layout-sw600dp values-sw600dp Android example of use
Why the app selects data from basic layout folder if smallest width is higher then the number in folder name?
Example 1
layout-sw600dp values-sw600dp (smallest width sw for data usage from this folder is 600dp density independent pixel!!!!!)
Device screen resolution is 1200 x 900 px (pixel) Wow, app to be select data from sw600dp folder! Realy?
DPI of device screen - dot per inch (pixel per inch) is 480 pixel it is wery important number!
In our case smallest dimension of screen must be at least 1800 real - physical pixels (1800 px / 3 ratio(dpi/160) = 600 dp (dip density independend pixels) to be used data from folders values-sw600dp and layout-sw600dp.
Example 2 see Example 1 abouve
Device: Nexus 7 (2012) selected from Android Studio tool layout editor
Resolution: 800x1280 px
DPI: tvdpi (approximately 213dpi)
Ratio: 1.33 (213 / 160)
Smallest width in px: 800
Convert px to dp: 601.5 (800 / 1.33)
Result:Smallest width is 601.5dp The App to be used data from folders values-sw600dp and layout-sw600dp.
Example 1
layout-sw600dp values-sw600dp (smallest width sw for data usage from this folder is 600dp density independent pixel!!!!!)
Device screen resolution is 1200 x 900 px (pixel) Wow, app to be select data from sw600dp folder! Realy?
DPI of device screen - dot per inch (pixel per inch) is 480 pixel it is wery important number!
- App selects smallest dimension of screen. In our case 900 px
Medium screen have 160 dpi (The density-independent pixel is equivalent to one physical pixel on a 160 dpi screen, which is the baseline density assumed by the system for a "medium" density screen.). - App calculate ratio 480 / 160 = 3 (The conversion of dp units to screen pixels: px = dp * (dpi / 160))
- App calculate smallest dimesnion of screen in dp 900 / 3 = 300 dip or dp (density independed pixel).
- App selects data from basic values and layout folder because sw600dp is greater than 300dp.
In our case smallest dimension of screen must be at least 1800 real - physical pixels (1800 px / 3 ratio(dpi/160) = 600 dp (dip density independend pixels) to be used data from folders values-sw600dp and layout-sw600dp.
Example 2 see Example 1 abouve
Device: Nexus 7 (2012) selected from Android Studio tool layout editor
Resolution: 800x1280 px
DPI: tvdpi (approximately 213dpi)
Ratio: 1.33 (213 / 160)
Smallest width in px: 800
Convert px to dp: 601.5 (800 / 1.33)
Result:Smallest width is 601.5dp The App to be used data from folders values-sw600dp and layout-sw600dp.
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a Google Docs spreadsheet (default and original behavior)
an email
your own server-side HTTP POST script
any other possible destination by implementing your own report sender
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a Google Docs spreadsheet (default and original behavior)
an email
your own server-side HTTP POST script
any other possible destination by implementing your own report sender
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break statement in Java Android basic example
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] arg) {
String[] arrayOfString = {"nothing", "Hello", "people"
, "bye-bye", "hello", "world!", "end" };
for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfString.length; i++) {
if(i > 2)
break; // end of loop
Example from SDK C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows\samples\android-10\ApiDemos\src\com\example\android\apis\text\
Source: //
License: //
1.) Automatically linkifies using android:autoLink="all"
2.) Link text by setMovementMethod
3.) Link as html code using Html.fromHtml()
4.) Link string by SpannableString
Source: //
License: //
1.) Automatically linkifies using android:autoLink="all"
// res/values/strings.xml
<string name="link_text_auto"><b>text1:</b> This is some text. In
this text are some things that are actionable. For instance,
you can click on // and it will launch the
web browser. You can click on too. And, if you
click on (415) 555-1212 it should dial the phone.
// main.xml
<!-- text1 automatically linkifies things like URLs and phone numbers. -->
<TextView xmlns:android="//"
2.) Link text by setMovementMethod
// onCreate
/*Be warned that if you want a TextView with a key listener or movement method not to be focusable, or if you want a TextView without a key listener or movement method to be focusable, you must call setFocusable(boolean) again after calling this to get the focusability back the way you want it. */
TextView t2 = (TextView) findViewById(;
// main.xml
<!-- text2 uses a string resource containing explicit <a> tags to
specify links. -->
<TextView xmlns:android="//"
<string name="link_text_manual"><b>text2:</b> This is some other
text, with a <a href="//">link</a> specified
via an <a> tag. Use a "tel:" URL
to <a href="tel:4155551212">dial a phone number</a>.
3.) Link as html code using Html.fromHtml()
// onCreate
TextView t3 = (TextView) findViewById(;
"<b>text3:</b> Text with a " +
"<a href="//">link</a> " +
"created in the Java source code using HTML."));
4.) Link string by SpannableString
SpannableString ss = new SpannableString(
"text4: Click here to dial the phone.");
ss.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, 6,
ss.setSpan(new URLSpan("tel:4155551212"), 13, 17,
TextView t4 = (TextView) findViewById(;

Kvalitní mobilní telefon pro rok 2012 by měl mít tyto, nebo ještě lepší parametry.
Značka Samsung , HTC, LG, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, ZTE Blade
Verze operačního systému Android 2.2 a vyšší.
Procesor a jeho frekvence Qualcomm 800MHz a vyšší.
Paměť RAM 512MB a více.
Paměť ROM 512MB.
Displej a jeho rozlišení 4,3 palce rozlišení 480x800 pixelů pro snadné ovládání a čtení a schopnost zobrazit 16 milionů barev.
Technologie 3G data, WiFi, BlueTooth, GPS přijímač, fotoaparát 3 Mpix, autofokus, diodový blesk.
Výdrž baterie minimálně 1 den a více.
3G internet.

Značka Samsung , HTC, LG, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, ZTE Blade
Verze operačního systému Android 2.2 a vyšší.
Procesor a jeho frekvence Qualcomm 800MHz a vyšší.
Paměť RAM 512MB a více.
Paměť ROM 512MB.
Displej a jeho rozlišení 4,3 palce rozlišení 480x800 pixelů pro snadné ovládání a čtení a schopnost zobrazit 16 milionů barev.
Technologie 3G data, WiFi, BlueTooth, GPS přijímač, fotoaparát 3 Mpix, autofokus, diodový blesk.
Výdrž baterie minimálně 1 den a více.
3G internet.

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float f = 0.f;
boolean bIsNaN = Float.isNaN(f);
boolean bIsInfinite = Float.isInfinite(f);
double d = Math.sqrt(-10);
boolean b = Double.isNaN(d);
Editace: 2016-03-18 10:52:40
Počet článků v kategorii: 396