Android Studio Browse Files Data Device Emulator
1.) Open DDMS via Menu Tools > Android > Android Device Monitor
2.) Select Device
3.) In DDMS click Menu Window > Show View > File Exlporer
4.) Device > Storage folder
5.) Emulator > data > data folder
2.) Select Device
3.) In DDMS click Menu Window > Show View > File Exlporer
4.) Device > Storage folder
5.) Emulator > data > data folder
396LW NO topic_id
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I You use offline work for better building speed of project or for other purpose
Offline work:
File - Settings - Gradle
- select Use local gradle distribution
- select path Gradle home:
- check Offline work
Offline work:
File - Settings - Gradle
- select Use local gradle distribution
- select path Gradle home:
- check Offline work
Try this solution:
String DATA = "Html text....bla bla bla. Hellou world! čšřžěéá";
"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">"
+"<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">"
+"</head> <body>";
String FOOTERHTML = "</body></html>";
WebView mWebView.loadData(HEADERHTML+DATA+FOOTERHTML,"text/html; charset=UTF-8",null);
Terms Screen size, density, density independent pixel, resolution as a picture - pictogram.
Test your knowledge
Q: How to find out the phone screen size?
A: (By length of display diagonale in inch - Not to measure a diagonal of device!!!)
Q: What resolution has 720 x 1280 display?
A: (921600 pixels)
Q: What does it mean "240 dpi" screen density?
A: (Display have density 240 x 240 dots - "Tri-color LED etc." - per every physical (real) square inch. If you have icon 240x240 pixels, this will just occupy an area of one square inch on the display.)
Q: Phone have screen density 240 dpi. Image for 160 dpi screen density have size 128x 128 pixels. What will be the size of the image for 240 dpi screen density?
A: (Calculate the virtual pixels size. 128 * (240/160) = 192. You have to resize image to new size 192 x 192 physical pixels and put into folder drawable-hdpi (high) ~240dpi for phone with screen density 240 dpi. ) or use density independend pixels 128dp x 128dp.
Test your knowledge
Q: How to find out the phone screen size?
A: (By length of display diagonale in inch - Not to measure a diagonal of device!!!)
Q: What resolution has 720 x 1280 display?
A: (921600 pixels)
Q: What does it mean "240 dpi" screen density?
A: (Display have density 240 x 240 dots - "Tri-color LED etc." - per every physical (real) square inch. If you have icon 240x240 pixels, this will just occupy an area of one square inch on the display.)
Q: Phone have screen density 240 dpi. Image for 160 dpi screen density have size 128x 128 pixels. What will be the size of the image for 240 dpi screen density?
A: (Calculate the virtual pixels size. 128 * (240/160) = 192. You have to resize image to new size 192 x 192 physical pixels and put into folder drawable-hdpi (high) ~240dpi for phone with screen density 240 dpi. ) or use density independend pixels 128dp x 128dp.
Example source code for Android developers how create array of strings in *.xml file.
You can using array of strings in Spinner ( combobox - dropdown list ) or ListView etc.
You can using array of strings in Spinner ( combobox - dropdown list ) or ListView etc.
<string-array name="colors">
Špičkový smartphone od Samsungu.
Technické parametry Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III
Rozměry a hmotnost: 137 x 71 x 9 mm, 133 gramů
Datové funkce: GPS modul, WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPRS, EDGE, HSCSD, Hardwarový modem, Infraport
Sítě: pásma GSM 850, 900, 1 800, 1 900 MHz pásma WCDMA (3G) 850, 900, 1 900, 2 100 MHz
Displej: HD Super AMOLED diplej o velikosti 1280x720 4,8 palců
Procesor: čtyřjádrový procesor 1.4 GHz
Uživatelská paměť: 16 MB
paměť RAM 1 024 MB
Operační systém: Android 4.0 ICS
Hudba: MP3
Video: HD rozlišení
Fotoaparát: 8 Mpix
Baterie: Li-Pol, pohotovostní doba 390 hodin
Cena: cca 14.500 korun / léto 2012
Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III obrázek
Technické parametry Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III
Rozměry a hmotnost: 137 x 71 x 9 mm, 133 gramů
Datové funkce: GPS modul, WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPRS, EDGE, HSCSD, Hardwarový modem, Infraport
Sítě: pásma GSM 850, 900, 1 800, 1 900 MHz pásma WCDMA (3G) 850, 900, 1 900, 2 100 MHz
Displej: HD Super AMOLED diplej o velikosti 1280x720 4,8 palců
Procesor: čtyřjádrový procesor 1.4 GHz
Uživatelská paměť: 16 MB
paměť RAM 1 024 MB
Operační systém: Android 4.0 ICS
Hudba: MP3
Video: HD rozlišení
Fotoaparát: 8 Mpix
Baterie: Li-Pol, pohotovostní doba 390 hodin
Cena: cca 14.500 korun / léto 2012
Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III obrázek
Editace: 2017-01-28 20:49:16
Počet článků v kategorii: 396