Call requires API level xx current min is xx android
Call requires API level 16 (current min is 4): android
Change The SDK version in AndroidManifest.xml to higher
Change The SDK version in AndroidManifest.xml to higher
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" />
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" />
396LW NO topic_id
Další témata ....(Topics)
HTC Sensation 4G cena od 11 000 KCZ Kč (únor.2012)
Spokojenost uživatelů nadprůměrná.
HTC Sensation 4G je chytrý telefon s operačním systémem Android.
HTC Sensation 4G je (22.února2012) 10. nejpoužívanějším chytrým telefonem u programu Sky Map viz tabulka.
Výrobce HTC
Kompatibilní sítě GSM / GPRS / EDGE
850 900 1800 1900 MHz
850 1900 2100 nebo 900 1700 2100 MHz
HSDPA 14,4 Mbps
HSUPA 5.76 Mbps
První předvedení 19.května 2011
Zaváděcí cena US 199,99 dolarů
Nástupce HTC Sensation XE, HTC 4G Amaze
Rozměry 126.1 mm (4.96 v) H
65.4 mm 2,57 in) W
11.3 mm (0,44 in) D
Hmotnost 148 g
Operační systém Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread (upgrade až na 2.3.4),
HTC Sense 3.0 overlay
Dual-core CPU, 1.2 GHz Qualcomm MSM8260 Snapdragon, Sensation XE dual-core 1,5 GHz Qualcomm MSM8260 Snapdragon, Sensation XL jednoho jádra 1,5 GHz Qualcomm MSM8255 Snapdragon
GPU Qualcomm adreno 220, Sensation XL adreno 205
Paměť 768 MB RAM
4 GB (1 GB uživatelsky dostupných)
Paměť vyjmutelná: 8 GB microSD 2.0, podporuje až 32 GB
Baterie 1520 mAh vnitřní dobíjecí Li-ion vyměnitelné
Datové vstupy A-GPS, čidlo okolního osvětlení, digitální kompas, G-senzor, gyroskop, multi-touch kapacitní dotykový displej, snímač
Displej 4.3 v (110 mm) kapacitní S-LCD dotykový displej Gorilla skla s QHD (540 × 960) rozlišením na 256.15 PPI
Fotoaparát na zadní straně s 8 miliony pixelů (3264 x 2448) s automatickým ostřením a dvojitým LED bleskem a 1080p HD video záznamu @ 30 snímků / s, kohoutek k zaměření s digitálním zoomem
Fotoaparát na přední straně VGA pevné zaostření barevná kamera (0,3 megapixelů)
Kompatibilní média formáty audio AAC, AMR, OGG, M4A, MIDI, MP3, WAV, WMA
Video 1920 × 1080 (1080p HD) @ 30 snímků / s - 3GP, .3 G2, MP4, WMV, AVI, XVID
Vyzváněcí tóny a oznámení všechny kompatibilní audio formáty
Připojení 3.5 mm TRRS konektor, Bluetooth 3.0 s A2DP, FM přijímač (87,5 - 108 MHz) s RDS, Micro USB 2.0 (5-pin) port s Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) pro USB nebo HDMI připojení, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n
Zdroj: wikipedia
HTC Sensation 4G photo pic image
Zdroj obrázku: wikipedia
Spokojenost uživatelů nadprůměrná.
HTC Sensation 4G je chytrý telefon s operačním systémem Android.
HTC Sensation 4G je (22.února2012) 10. nejpoužívanějším chytrým telefonem u programu Sky Map viz tabulka.
Výrobce HTC
Kompatibilní sítě GSM / GPRS / EDGE
850 900 1800 1900 MHz
850 1900 2100 nebo 900 1700 2100 MHz
HSDPA 14,4 Mbps
HSUPA 5.76 Mbps
První předvedení 19.května 2011
Zaváděcí cena US 199,99 dolarů
Nástupce HTC Sensation XE, HTC 4G Amaze
Rozměry 126.1 mm (4.96 v) H
65.4 mm 2,57 in) W
11.3 mm (0,44 in) D
Hmotnost 148 g
Operační systém Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread (upgrade až na 2.3.4),
HTC Sense 3.0 overlay
Dual-core CPU, 1.2 GHz Qualcomm MSM8260 Snapdragon, Sensation XE dual-core 1,5 GHz Qualcomm MSM8260 Snapdragon, Sensation XL jednoho jádra 1,5 GHz Qualcomm MSM8255 Snapdragon
GPU Qualcomm adreno 220, Sensation XL adreno 205
Paměť 768 MB RAM
4 GB (1 GB uživatelsky dostupných)
Paměť vyjmutelná: 8 GB microSD 2.0, podporuje až 32 GB
Baterie 1520 mAh vnitřní dobíjecí Li-ion vyměnitelné
Datové vstupy A-GPS, čidlo okolního osvětlení, digitální kompas, G-senzor, gyroskop, multi-touch kapacitní dotykový displej, snímač
Displej 4.3 v (110 mm) kapacitní S-LCD dotykový displej Gorilla skla s QHD (540 × 960) rozlišením na 256.15 PPI
Fotoaparát na zadní straně s 8 miliony pixelů (3264 x 2448) s automatickým ostřením a dvojitým LED bleskem a 1080p HD video záznamu @ 30 snímků / s, kohoutek k zaměření s digitálním zoomem
Fotoaparát na přední straně VGA pevné zaostření barevná kamera (0,3 megapixelů)
Kompatibilní média formáty audio AAC, AMR, OGG, M4A, MIDI, MP3, WAV, WMA
Video 1920 × 1080 (1080p HD) @ 30 snímků / s - 3GP, .3 G2, MP4, WMV, AVI, XVID
Vyzváněcí tóny a oznámení všechny kompatibilní audio formáty
Připojení 3.5 mm TRRS konektor, Bluetooth 3.0 s A2DP, FM přijímač (87,5 - 108 MHz) s RDS, Micro USB 2.0 (5-pin) port s Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) pro USB nebo HDMI připojení, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n
Zdroj: wikipedia
HTC Sensation 4G photo pic image
Zdroj obrázku: wikipedia
File -> Settings -> Keymap you can do select Eclipse keymap from drop down menu
Ctrl+Shift+A (Help | Find Action on the main menu) and start typing the name of the action. Choose the desired action from the suggestion list.
Ctrl+Click (on Windows) or Cmd+Click (on MacOS) a tab in the editor to navigate to any part of the file path. Select the necessary element in the drop-down, and the corresponding file path opens in an external browser (e.g., in the Explorer, if your OS is Windows).
Ctrl+F find
Refactor | Rename: Shift+F6 ( +F6)
Find and replace: CTRL + R
Go to variable declaration: CTRL + B
Ctrl+Shift+I (View | Quick Definition)
Ctrl+Alt+F7 (Edit | Find | Show Usages in the main menu)
Ctrl+Shift+F find in project
Ctrl+Shift+F7 (Edit | Find | Highlight Usages in File) to quickly highlight usages of some variable in the current file.
Use F3 and Shift+F3 keys to navigate through highlighted usages.
Press Escape to remove highlighting.
Ctrl+W (extend selection) in the editor selects the word at the caret and then selects expanding areas of the source code. For example, it may select a method name, then the expression that calls this method, then the whole statement, then the containing block, etc. You can also select the word at the caret and the expanding areas of the source code by double-clicking the target areas in the editor.
To search through the classes, files, tool windows, actions, settings, and symbols of your project by double pressing the Shift key
Ctrl+P (View | Parameter Info) e.g. localURL = new URL(localUrlString); select localUrlString and press Ctrl + P
Show html documentation tooltips: CTRL + Q
Comment uncomment single line: CTRL + /
Comment uncomment selected text: CTRL + SHIFT + /
Code completion (Ctrl+Space)
Alt key and mouse pointer dragging for column selection
If nothing is selected in the editor, and you press Ctrl+C, then the whole line at caret is copied to the clipboard.
Ctrl + Delete delete word from caret to end.
Ctrl + Backspace delete word from caret to start.
Duplicate line: CTRL + D
To compare two directories,or jar files, select one or both of them in the Project view and press Ctrl+D.
Editor Delete Line: CTRL + Y
Move line UP, DOWN. Select a code fragment and press Ctrl+Shift+Up or Ctrl+Shift+Down.
To open any class or file in the editor at the desired line, press Ctrl+Shift+N (Navigate | File), start typing the name, and choose the one from the suggestion list. Then type the colon (:) and a line number
Ctrl+Shift+Enter to complete a current statement such as if, do-while, try-catch, return (or a method call)
Alt+Enter to invoke a quick fix or intention action, press the right arrow key to reveal the list of additional options.
To quickly review your recent changes to the project: Alt+Shift+C
Code Completion, you can accept the currently highlighted selection in the popup list with the period character (.), comma (,), semicolon (;), space and other characters.
Quickly move between methods in the editor: Alt+Up and Alt+Down
Ctrl+Shift+J shortcut joins two lines into one and removes unnecessary space to match your code style
Ctrl+Shift+V to choose and insert recent clipboard contents into the text
Inheritance hierarchy for a selected class: Ctrl+H
Right-clicking on a breakpoint marker you can quickly enable/disable the breakpoint or adjust its properties.
Evaluate the value of any expression while debugging the program, select its text in the editor (you may press a Ctrl+W a few times to efficiently perform this operation) and press Alt+F8.
Quickly evaluate the value of any expression while debugging the program, hold Alt and click this expression to see its value and calculate it, call a method, etc.
You can use the Extract Variable refactoring even on incomplete statements. Just select the necessary block in the editor and press Ctrl+Alt+V.
To open any particular method or field in editor: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N
Add unimplemented methods: CTRL + I
Override methods: CTRL + O
Format code: CTRL + ALT + L
Show project: ALT + 1
Show logcat: ALT + 6
Hide project - logcat: SHIFT + ESC
Build: CTRL + F9
Build and Run: CTRL + F10
Alt+Shift+F10 access the Run/Debug dropdown on the main toolbar
Collapse all: CTRL + SHIFT + NumPad +
Expand all: CTRL + SHIFT + NumPad -
Ctrl+Shift+A (Help | Find Action on the main menu) and start typing the name of the action. Choose the desired action from the suggestion list.
Ctrl+Click (on Windows) or Cmd+Click (on MacOS) a tab in the editor to navigate to any part of the file path. Select the necessary element in the drop-down, and the corresponding file path opens in an external browser (e.g., in the Explorer, if your OS is Windows).
Find - Rename
Ctrl+F find
Refactor | Rename: Shift+F6 ( +F6)
Find and replace: CTRL + R
Go to variable declaration: CTRL + B
Ctrl+Shift+I (View | Quick Definition)
Ctrl+Alt+F7 (Edit | Find | Show Usages in the main menu)
Ctrl+Shift+F find in project
Ctrl+Shift+F7 (Edit | Find | Highlight Usages in File) to quickly highlight usages of some variable in the current file.
Use F3 and Shift+F3 keys to navigate through highlighted usages.
Press Escape to remove highlighting.
Ctrl+W (extend selection) in the editor selects the word at the caret and then selects expanding areas of the source code. For example, it may select a method name, then the expression that calls this method, then the whole statement, then the containing block, etc. You can also select the word at the caret and the expanding areas of the source code by double-clicking the target areas in the editor.
To search through the classes, files, tool windows, actions, settings, and symbols of your project by double pressing the Shift key
Ctrl+P (View | Parameter Info) e.g. localURL = new URL(localUrlString); select localUrlString and press Ctrl + P
Show html documentation tooltips: CTRL + Q
Comment uncomment single line: CTRL + /
Comment uncomment selected text: CTRL + SHIFT + /
Code completion (Ctrl+Space)
Alt key and mouse pointer dragging for column selection
If nothing is selected in the editor, and you press Ctrl+C, then the whole line at caret is copied to the clipboard.
Ctrl + Delete delete word from caret to end.
Ctrl + Backspace delete word from caret to start.
Duplicate line: CTRL + D
To compare two directories,or jar files, select one or both of them in the Project view and press Ctrl+D.
Editor Delete Line: CTRL + Y
Move line UP, DOWN. Select a code fragment and press Ctrl+Shift+Up or Ctrl+Shift+Down.
To open any class or file in the editor at the desired line, press Ctrl+Shift+N (Navigate | File), start typing the name, and choose the one from the suggestion list. Then type the colon (:) and a line number
Ctrl+Shift+Enter to complete a current statement such as if, do-while, try-catch, return (or a method call)
Alt+Enter to invoke a quick fix or intention action, press the right arrow key to reveal the list of additional options.
To quickly review your recent changes to the project: Alt+Shift+C
Code Completion, you can accept the currently highlighted selection in the popup list with the period character (.), comma (,), semicolon (;), space and other characters.
Quickly move between methods in the editor: Alt+Up and Alt+Down
Ctrl+Shift+J shortcut joins two lines into one and removes unnecessary space to match your code style
Ctrl+Shift+V to choose and insert recent clipboard contents into the text
Inheritance hierarchy for a selected class: Ctrl+H
Right-clicking on a breakpoint marker you can quickly enable/disable the breakpoint or adjust its properties.
Evaluate the value of any expression while debugging the program, select its text in the editor (you may press a Ctrl+W a few times to efficiently perform this operation) and press Alt+F8.
Quickly evaluate the value of any expression while debugging the program, hold Alt and click this expression to see its value and calculate it, call a method, etc.
You can use the Extract Variable refactoring even on incomplete statements. Just select the necessary block in the editor and press Ctrl+Alt+V.
To open any particular method or field in editor: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N
Add unimplemented methods: CTRL + I
Override methods: CTRL + O
Format code: CTRL + ALT + L
Show project: ALT + 1
Show logcat: ALT + 6
Hide project - logcat: SHIFT + ESC
Build: CTRL + F9
Build and Run: CTRL + F10
Alt+Shift+F10 access the Run/Debug dropdown on the main toolbar
Collapse all: CTRL + SHIFT + NumPad +
Expand all: CTRL + SHIFT + NumPad -
// file name
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;
import javax.swing.*;
public class MyFirstClass{ // start of program
public static void main(String[] args) { // basic function main
// variables and calculation
int a=2;
int b=3;
int c=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Put number: ", "1"));
System.out.println("Number is: "+c);
System.out.println(a+" * "+b+" = "+(a*b));
System.out.println("a^3 "+Math.pow(a,b));
int[] array_my=new int[10];
System.out.println("Number of elements "+array_my.length+" 1 + 2 element of array "+(array_my[0]+array_my[1]));
String txt="Quick red fox";
String txt2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Write text: ", "word");
System.out.println("Text is: "+txt2);
String[] count_of_word=txt.split(" ");
System.out.println("Length: "+txt.length()+" Count of words "+count_of_word.length);
System.out.println(txt +" -> "+txt.replace("red","brown"));
System.out.println("First 5 chars of string is: "+ txt.substring(0,5));
//for a if
for(int i=0; i<10;i++){
if(i==3)System.out.println("i equal "+i);
// file
try {
File soubor=new File("some_file.txt");
System.out.println("File dont exist");
else { // utf-8 encoding
BufferedReader in1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(soubor),"UTF-8"));
BufferedWriter out1 = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("zapis.txt"),"UTF-8"));
String str;
while ((str = in1.readLine())!=null){
} catch(IOException e){System.out.println("Error " + e);}
// dir
File pathName = new File("some_dir");
String[] fileNames = pathName.list();
System.out.println("Name of first file in "some_dir": "+fileNames[0]);
else System.out.println("dir not exist");
int nResult = calculateMyFc(3,5);
System.out.println("Result of function: "+nResult);
} // end of function main
// new function , you can add to end MyFc = my function
public static int calculateMyFc(int a, int b){
return (a+b);
} // end of class of program
If you want download some *.apk file from internet and try on your emulator you get error than you have to install SD card. You have to closing Android emulator.
Mount Android emulator SD card instruction
Image how install SD card on Android emulator in Eclipse.
Mount Android emulator SD card instruction
- In Eclipse go in menu Window - Android SDK and Avg Manager
- Select Virtual devices
- Select AVD Name where you need install SD card
- Click on Edit button
- In open dialog go to SD card - Size: and write 500
- Press button Edit AVD
- Run AVD emulator
Image how install SD card on Android emulator in Eclipse.

Editace: 2013-09-17 20:32:51
Počet článků v kategorii: 396